Frequently asked questions about The Change Laboratory’s Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business consulting services.
We established The Change Laboratory to meet an untapped need: high-touch, bespoke Personal and Business Development services. For over 15 years, we’ve helped thousands of people uncover strengths, remove barriers to success, and move into more fulfilling careers. We’ve also provided a broad range of organizations with comprehensive, new-school HR and business strategy guidance.
More recently, we made major shifts to the business in order to further meet clients’ demands for more robust personal development services. We introduced a suite of services designed to help individuals navigate change across all aspects of their lives and the different roles they play.
What We Do
What is your philosophy / approach?
Our goal is to help people be more comfortable and effective with change. Whether change is elective or forced, we provide tools to help people and workgroups and organizations make the most out of a period of disruption and, ultimately, embrace change as a positive, energizing force.
What are you most known for? What sets you apart?
A lot! But we’ll keep it to two things.
First, when we founded The Change Laboratory, we made personalized, high-touch service a foundation of the client experience. In order to provide the level of service on which we pride ourselves, we’ve decided to never automate, outsource, or scale any aspect of the business. We have to say no to a lot of potential projects, but we get to be hands-on with every project we are able to accept. Clients recognize this as rare, and we have no doubt it accounts for the fact that we have thrived and enjoy a client base that is predominantly past and referred clients.
The other thing we’re most known for is YouFinder, an assessment that opens the door to an entirely new way of looking at yourself by bringing to light details of your type: your strengths, your natural talents, and your preferred way of moving through life and work. Starting as a niche service offering when we launched the business, YouFinder’s growing popularity has now positioned it as a foundational element of nearly all of the work we do.
What accounts for your large referral and returning client rate?
Returning clients and referrals consistently cite 4 things: our individualized and high-touch approach, our attention to detail, consistently positive outcomes, and our unwavering commitment to lifting up historically marginalized people – particularly BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and migrant community members – in the work we do.
Explain the two arms of your business?
Personal Development Services aimed at helping people to Figure Out You. Dedicated to helping clients discover their “one you.” Clients uncover fundamentals like natural strengths, values, etc. so that they can embrace change and make better, more fulfillment-forward decisions about how to move through the world.
Business Development Services helping organizations to Stop Hating Mondays. Dedicated to empowering teams of individuals with tools for greater career satisfaction and arming organizations – from startups to Fortune 500 – with comprehensive, new-school HR and business strategy guidance.
What if I just need help with a resume and LinkedIn?
You’re in the right place. While we’ve expanded the business to provide personal development services, we still work with clients who are looking for a professional job-search documents. Every project is supported by our deep, personalized process and, since 2022, includes our YouFinder Fast assessment.
Why should I work with The Change Laboratory?
Because you are your best investment.
Personal and business development services are not a gadget that will be obsolete in a year or two. Rather, these services are a solid investment – perhaps the best investment you can make – because it’s an investment in growth. You’ll walk away from our time together with a new understanding of your strengths, a framework for making fulfillment-forward decisions, and tools (personality assessments, resumes, etc.) that will serve you for a lifetime.
Because you care about your personal and professional growth.
So does The Change Laboratory. Regardless of the focus of our project, we want you to walk away with a new understanding of yourself, a new success orientation, and the kind of bolstered confidence that can change your life’s trajectory. This is about a lot more than project deliverables, and that’s why we love what we do.
Because you understand the value of a deep process.
We want you to be able to bring all of you, so we bring all of us. We draw on our entire collective skills portfolio – education, professional certifications, extensive experience, and a background working with thousands of professionals across almost every conceivable field – to provide the deepest and most enriching process possible.
Because you want to see yourself in a new light.
We are passionate about empowering you to see yourself and your career in the best light possible by directing your focus to your unique accomplishments and the value you represent. Just imagine the possibilities when you have a new success “language” that makes it easy for you to clearly speak to the impact you’ve made in the past and, more importantly, your potential.
Because you value the best tools and tips.
As a team that has deep experience in Business, Coaching, HR, and Career Development, we pride ourselves on staying current in our field and employing cutting-edge and best-in-class tactics on every project. And when it comes to professional development services, we are experts on both sides of the table, and we enthusiastically bring that mastery to every project.
Because change happens.
If we’ve learned anything in the last decade – but especially the last two years – it’s that you never know what might happen. Over the years, TCL has evolved to better meet the needs of a growing client base and shifting needs. In recent years, clients – both individuals and organizations – have come to rely on us for all things change. The name The Change Laboratory clearly defines that niche and makes it clear that we’re all about helping clients navigate life’s inevitable twists and turns.
Because authenticity matters.
Over the last several years, the internet (and social media) have made “experts” out of everyone. It seems everywhere you turn, someone is hawking “solutions” for just about everything. We don’t do that. We never will. We’ve built a thriving business by offering authentic, reality-based expertise and relatable insights. Our success has never been about quick-fix solutions or making clients feel like they are lacking.
Because you are welcome here. Always.
The Change Laboratory is #OpenToAll. No matter your race, color, national or ethnic origin, age, veteran status, religion, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, or any other characteristic, you are wholeheartedly welcome here. We know – from our experience in work and life – that our differences as humans do in fact make our work places and communities stronger.
Where can I see reviews of your work?
Our client portfolio is largely referrals and returning clients (about 80% in 2023), and we’re regularly turning away potential clients because we refuse to outsource a single element of our work. No compliment is greater than a client entrusting us with a family member, friend, or colleague. You can read (a lot of!) testimonials here.
How is payment handled? Are credit cards accepted?
We use our web store, PayPal, Square, or Stripe to process all payments. All options are 100% secure and accept credit cards.
What if I have other questions?
Please send off an e-mail. We want you to have all of your questions answered. Only with highly personalized service can we offer top-notch results. Also, be sure to thoroughly click around the website. You’ll learn a lot about TCL’s philosophy and approach.
Who We Are
We are a family business with a passion for and unwavering commitment to personalized, high-touch services. With only two people (and, at times, some behind-the-scenes administrative help), we’re small but mighty. Organizations count on us to help their teams flourish; individuals count on us for help with career and life trajectory.
With extensive HR, Business and Marketing experience (20+ years), an undergraduate education in Business / Psychology / Writing, and an MBA, specializing in Global Organizational Development, Kent launched The Change Laboratory over 15 years ago. Soon after, Caanan brought his operations and leadership experience to the quickly expanding business, utilizing his tech-forward expertise in building and optimizing low-friction processes for fully remote projects.
In 2023 and 2024, each bolstered his expertise for the next era of The Change Laboratory. Kent completed a post-graduate program fine-tuning his expertise in various Change modalities, including Motivational Interviewing, Appreciative Inquiry, Decisional Balance, and Positive Psychology. The post-graduate certificate program also expanded his preparedness to aid individuals’ and organizations’ increased focus on Wellness in the modern world. Caanan – a specialist in People Experience – upgraded his skills with advanced coursework in HR and Career Development, focusing on how big data, analytics, and emerging tech impact organizations and employees. He also earned the Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) designation, awarded to individuals who have demonstrated mastery over the field, particularly in the areas of strategy and policy making.
Long ago, we made the decision to never automate, outsource, or scale. Clients have met this rarely-seen-in-this-day-and-age commitment and vision with resounding enthusiasm. Because of that, our client roster is now overwhelmingly comprised of returning clients and referrals. Get in touch! We’re always eager to learn how we might help individuals and workgroups on their path.