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Seattle, WA

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Blog / Podcast

The Change Laboratory’s blog is dedicated to empowering people by highlighting best practices in the arena of personal / career development and organizational effectiveness.

Introducing the Stop Hating Mondays Podcast

Kent R.

Tips, tools, and advice for achieving personal and professional fulfillment

We know what it’s like to hate Mondays.

We’ve had oppressive jobs that we both over-identified with and dreaded going back to when Sunday rolled around. We’ve struggled with and combated Workism: the twisted notion that your value is tied to employment and that work can serve as the primary (if not sole) source of meaning in one’s life. And we’ve had rewarding, fulfilling jobs that were so demanding that other aspects of our life suffered.

We also know how to Stop Hating Mondays.

Not only have we taken the challenging steps to build a more fulfilling life – a more integrated life that is aligned with our strengths, values, and passions – as the founders of The Change Laboratory and Change Consultants, we’ve built a career helping others do the same.

After writing Stop Hating Mondays, we realized that we wanted a platform to go deeper into the themes of that book. Additionally, after years of advising individuals and corporations on all things change related, we wanted a way to share even more of those ideas and insights.

So, we couldn’t be more excited to announce the Stop Hating Mondays Podcast.

Each quarter, we’ll be taking on a new theme and delivering a series of podcasts that explore that theme from many angles. Most importantly, we’ll be sharing ideas, tips, and tools that you can use as you work to be more fulfilled in all aspects of your life. 

We’re going to kick things off with what we call The Change Laboratory Foundations – concepts that are central to everything we do here at The Change Laboratory. And because we want you to have immediate access to these foundational concepts, we are releasing all three at once.

Going forward, new podcast episodes will be posted here in The Change Laboratory blog. Additionally, you’ll be able to find new episodes in your favorite podcast platform, including: Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Overcast.