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Seattle, WA

Tandem Powered offers a full suite of Professional Resume Writing, Career Development, and HR / Business Consulting services.


Blog / Podcast

The Change Laboratory’s blog is dedicated to empowering people by highlighting best practices in the arena of personal / career development and organizational effectiveness.

The Change Laboratory's Toolkit

Kent R.

YouFinder – an easy to complete, 20-minute assessment – opens the door to an entirely new way of looking at yourself and your career by bringing to light details of your Type – your strengths, your natural talents, and your preferred way of moving through life and work. Beyond providing general information about their Type (based on YouFinder results), I provide TCL's Toolkit clients with an enhanced written analysis that includes individualized tips and areas for exploration.

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Gaining Control in Uncertain Times

Kent R.

Seeing just how much you can create change in your life – especially in times of extreme external turmoil – can be very empowering and a catalyst for a significant shift in your life’s trajectory. When the external world is experiencing dramatic change, it’s a fantastic time to use the forced external shifts to cement change in your own life. To gain an understanding that, while there’s a lot we can’t control, there’s a lot we can control. That sense of self efficacy can go a long way in easing the burden of trying times.

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It's Time to Disidentify With Your Role

Kent R.

While it may be challenging in practice, the concept of disidentifying with your role is really simple. It comes down to two deceptively straightforward things:

  1. Recognize that the roles we play are not who we are.

  2. Instead of identifying with a role or title, identify with the strengths that are (ideally) expressed in the roles you play.

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